Your Success is Our Aim
With today's tough economy and high business failure rate, you need someone in your corner to help you set and reach your goals. Someone who is more like a financial partner than an accountant. We've worked closely with hundreds of businesses and professionals to minimize their taxes and maximize their profits. Whether it's finding a break in a tax law, or devising a more cost-efficient way to run your business, we work to get you the best bottom line legally possible.
Services for Professionals
Management Advisory Services: We offer you our expertise in the areas of budgeting, cost controls, and internal accounting procedures to help keep your organization on course. We'll assist you in obtaining needed credit and financing and in establishing a solid banking relationship.
Quickbooks Consulting Services: We are Certified Quickbooks Professional Advisers and as such can assist you with setting up and effectively utilizing this excellent business software. We can even show you how we can work with you on-line to answer your Quickbooks questions.
Tax Planning & Preparation: We provide a full range of year-round tax planning and preparation services for both our "for-profit" and "non-profit" organizations. We guide you in structuring your operation to run in as tax efficient a manner as is legally possible.
Financial Statements--Compilations and Reviews: We prepare annual and interim financial statements that are tailored to your specific needs. We work with you to develop financial statements that will serve as effective management tools designed to guide you on a course of profitability and sound fiscal management. We offer you both compilation and review services.
Audits for Non-Profit Organizations: We consider it a privilege to work with a number of non-profit organizations in our community in providing audits of their financial statements.
IRS Representation: We have over 50 years experience working in the field of taxation and effectively representing our clients' interests before the various government authorities. We are there to back you when you need our help.
Payroll Processing and Reporting: Working through the maze of payroll tax reporting rules can be both frustrating and costly, if you end up having to pay penalties. We have both the software and the expertise to do your payroll right—the first time and on time.
Services to Increase and Retain your Personal Wealth:
Financial planning: An effective financial plan serves as a road map to guide you in the management of your financial resources. It involves both the goal setting and monitoring of your progress towards achieving your goals. We have both the expertise and resources to assist you in this most critical life process.
Retirement planning: With the questionable future of social security and the decline in long-term corporate pension benefits, now--more than ever--planning for one's own retirement has become a necessity. And the sooner one starts, the better. We can assist you in "crunching" the numbers and helping to make the right choices to save for those "golden years".
Estate planning: Even with all the noise coming from Washington, little has or most likely will be done by Congress to lessen the impact of estate taxes on all but the most modest of estates. We have successfully helped many of our clients save hundreds of thousands of dollars in estate taxes through proper planning and structuring of their estates. Utilizing the team approach with some of the most noted estate planners and estate attorneys in the country, we can come up with the solution that is right for you.
Trust and estate accounting: This area of accounting is both complex and demanding. We have an experienced estate tax professional and supporting staff ready to meet the challenges and provide accurate and timely reporting.
Individual tax planning and tax preparation: We offer the expertise to simplify complex personal tax returns, and save you as much tax money as the law allows.